As Dante once said "Beauty awakens the soul to act" and this virtuous scent is beautiful and stirring in equal measure. Transporting your soul to the bucolic Tuscan countryside where you will follow in the shadow of a Carthusian monk. Breathing in the scent of the herb garden, cold stone walls, leather bound books and lingering incense. Aromatic thyme, sage and wet basil graced with sacred violet, grounded with stone, oakwood and moss envelope themselves in ancient incense and leather. A divine scent in the truest sense.
Ready to contradict? Virtuous’s contradicting paired scent is Libertine. Each pair is harmoniously crafted so that each highlights and/or subdues certain qualities of the other to create a unique third or fourth scent, depending on how you layer it. Head over to ILK’s site to learn more about Layerable Scents .
Notes include watery basil, thyme wormwood, stone steps, sage, lily, sacred violet, ancient incense, oakwood, moss, and worn leather.