“People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.” —Iris Murdoch,A Fairly Honourable Defeat
But our particular madness—yours and ours—extends beyond that, doesn’t it? Because flowers might be a joy to behold, but they are intoxicating to smell.
This month, we really have gone a little flower crazy, and our featured artists indulge our madness with a lovely red wildflower from the hills of California; a sparkling, white, gardenia bouquet; and an explosion of flowers with a bit of a twist. Now this is what May should smell like.
Lime, Gardenia & Benzoin by Dame Perfumery Scottsdale. Creator Jeffrey Dame's approach to perfume is to make it beautiful, make it enjoyable to wear, and call it like it is. In this latest release, we find a gorgeous gardenia perfect for warm weather. Hello, summer crush. Read more...
Scarlet Larkspur by Ineke. If you want to find the delicate scarlet larkspur flower in the wild, you'll need to hike up the north-facing hills of California's southern coast. Barring that, grab this bottle of Scarlet Larkspur from San Francisco-based perfumer Ineke and see what you're missing. Read more...
Dirty Flower Factory by Kerosene Fragrances. Dirty Flower Factory is an elegant, full, floral with tremendous presence and a touch of grit. Its initial blast is bright and beautiful, but—as the name suggests—there is nuance hidden under the layers and layers of blooms. Read more...
We hope you fall in love with these floral beauties as much as we have. Here's to May! We've waited a long time.
In Bloom. The May collection. This could not have arrived at a more perfect time. My winter scents are dark and full of mystery. I have been in the mood lately to toss the veil and open my soul to the freshness that is spring. New life. Sunshine. Flowers in bloom. I look forward to experiencing the ways these fragrances will bloom and awaken my senses.
Hooray! I was hoping to see Kerosene here! Love Ineke, and I expect Dame’s Gardenia to hit the spot. Now, just waiting on the mail….
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Monica Yassin
May 18, 2015
First time. Prove me wrong can’t wait to try your product