
The latest on scents, houses and aromas

January Scent Project: A Q&A with Founder & Creator John Biebel

January Scent Project: A Q&A with Founder & Creator John Biebel


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Gallagher Fragrances: A Q&A with Founder & Perfumer Daniel Gallagher

Gallagher Fragrances: A Q&A with Founder & Perfumer Daniel Gallagher

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Frassaï: A Q&A with Founder Natalia Outeda

Frassaï: A Q&A with Founder Natalia Outeda

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Potentia: A Q&A with Founder Beth Nonte Russell

Potentia: A Q&A with Founder Beth Nonte Russell

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Hercules Man: A Q&A with Founder Maria Mavromatis

Hercules Man: A Q&A with Founder Maria Mavromatis

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December 2017: December Days

In so many cultures, December is a festive month. And if you're in the northern hemisphere, it's also a comparatively chilly month, so your festivities likely incorporate the warmth of fire and candles and spices. This month, we're imagining how we would like to scent our December days with heat, smoke, and spices.


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November 2017: Into the Mountains

It's getting cooler outside, but if that means we get to wear scents like these, we don't mind one bit. This month, we're getting away from it all and heading to the mountains of  California.


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October 2017 Men's Collection: Your Choice

This month, we're doing something a little different: We're giving our men's subscribers the chance to choose their own scents. Want to choose from eight bestsellers?   Sign up  for the men's subscription by October 15!


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October 2017 Women's Collection: Rich

We have a thousand reasons to love autumn, but here’s our favorite: Those rich, deep notes that might have been too heavy in the humid summer air suddenly become elegant and lithe in the coolness of fall. Read more...


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September 2017 for Men: Old School

It's September and everybody's back to school, but not us -- we're back to Old School. This month's selections all incorporate an old-school vibe that suddenly seems fresh and new again.


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August 2017 Unisex: Full Bloom


Every year that this time, we get nostalgic for the bounty of summer—missing it before it's even gone. Blame it on the impending autumn and the back-to-school sales, but we're breathing in every bit of summer before Mother Nature begins her slow descent into slumber. That's why we're celebrating a symbol of the season: flowers.


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August 2017 for Men: Shades of Green

This month, we’ve paired our men’s scents with the world we see around us. We’re not imitating nature; we’re complementing it with various shades of green.


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