Ramon Monegal

Heritage Drops

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    The Monegal family contains generations of Spanish Royal perfumers, and since 1919, the family has been wearing their own private perfume, that each generation modifies to carry on their scent legacy. Ramon Monegal’s version has now been gifted to the masses, and no wonder why it was kept a secret for so long. Glowing citrus radiates bright as the sun, while gorgeous, celebratory, aromatic greens lend their cleansing, calming herbaceousness to the dewy, sunny fruits. It could end right there, and be wonderful. Still, then, it’s all nested into a neroli-amber that seems to put a usual top note into a sensuous base and turn all the verdant sunniness sexy, in a way that’s rarely smelled in this type of cologne-esque structure, turning the typical scent pyramids on their heads. An immensely complex scent that’s as refreshing as it is indulgent, this one smells like over 100 years of perfumery magic.  

    Notes include bergamot, lemon, mandarin, petitgrain, thyme, rosemary, lavender, geranium, neroli and amber. 

  • Ramón Monegal comes from a long line of perfumers in Spain and represents the fourth generation of the founders of the house of Myrurgia. He began his training in 1972 at Myrurgia, and in 2007 decided to embark on a new journey to build a line of fragrances under his own name. His eponymous line shows tremendous range and has catapulted his talent into the global spotlight. Learn more at  www.ramonmonegal.com .