August 2016 Unisex: Wanderlust

We love perfume for the way it transports us—deep into our own memories, on the wings of our imaginations, or to real places that we long to experience. And in this final month of summer, we can’t resist indulging our wanderlust.


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November 2015: Layered

This collection features three wonderfully complex scents that will take your nose on a journey through rich, layered stories. Notes will sing solos one moment and blend into a harmonious ensemble the next. They might even smell different each time you put them on, and if you have problems describing them in words—well, that's the perfume lover's agony and delight.

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September 2014: That Which We Call A Rose


This month's collection celebrates the versatility of the rose in three modern settings. Let go of your preconceptions; these aren't your grandmother's prim, powdery roses, and they aren't all-feminine frills, either. These are three very different, wildly loved rose-centered masterpieces that feature the iconic flower in ways you might never have experienced.


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