Aimless twenty-somethings Calvin and Millie didn’t mean to drop off the face of the earth but when they stumbled onto an abandoned mansion while hiking in the Adirondacks, that’s just what they did. Lounging in the autumn light and lost among the stacks of paperbacks they decided to weather the winter in their found fortress. Spring brought hordes of wildlife, both indoors and out, but no sign of other humans (other than the one growing in Millie’s belly). It would be another four years before the burgeoning family would be forced out of their assumed home but they don’t plan to leave without putting up a fight. Notes include cedar, quince, and paperbacks.
Josh Meyer is the creator and perfumer of Imaginary Authors out of Portland, Oregon. Each perfume in his line of gorgeous, quirky scents has an imaginary author to match. Read a Q&A with Josh on our blog.